1.   No complaining!  If you don’t have anything good to say don’t say it!

Every work out and drill is designed to help you improve physically and mentally.

If you have a complaint that needs to be addressed by the coaching staff you should talk to the head coach before school or after practice. 


  1.   You will be expected to participate in all the events that the coach enters you in.

If you have a complaint about what you are entered in you should talk to the head coach the day before the meet.  If you are asked to replace somebody during a meet it will be for the good of the team and you will be expected to do the event to help the team.


  1. Being a winner is measured by how hard you work to obtain a goal.  Winning isn’t our main objectives but striving to win is.  You are expected to work hard and be positive everyday.  Negative attitudes and poor work habits are not acceptable.


  1. If you have an unexcused absence you will have to miss the next meet and you will not be eligible to go to Howard Wood.  If you have two unexcused absences you will lose your letter, miss the next meet and we will schedule a parent meeting to discuss weather or not you should be allowed to continue to be a part of our team.  The absence must be a parent excuse or school related.  You will be required to get your excuse slip to Mr. Thorson.  Not working at practice or not doing a workout that a coach gives you will be considered a missed practice.


  1. If you are late for practice you will be required to run extra after practice.


  1. On pre-meet days we should be done by 4:30pm.  Those days you can have dentist appointments, doctor appointments, hair appointments etc. at 4:30pm not 3:15pm. 


  1. If you think you are better than someone else on a relay you will be entitled to a run off for that event.


  1. If you think you are better than a person in an open event when there is a three-person event limit and you were not entered to participate in that event, you are entitled to a run off, throw off, or jump off for those events. 


  1. You are not aloud to wear jewelry of any kind at track meets.  If it is for medical or religious beliefs it needs to be taped to your body.  This is a state rule.


  1. Track spikes should be changed the day before a meet.  If we have a problem with someone’s spikes?  We will have time to get them fixed.


  1. The # 1 priority of all athletes is to help the team & then personal goals will come second.


  1. If you plan on leaving at the end of a track meet with your parents there will be a travel sheet that your parents will need to sign.  Your parents will be required to talk to the head coach and then sign the travel sheet.  If you are caught forging your parent’s signature you will miss the next meet.  You are encouraged to ride to and from the meets with the team.


  1. Text Box: 5 or less teams participating;
1st         10 points
2nd        8 points
3rd        6 points
4th        4 points
5th        2 points
6th        1 point  
In order to letter in Track and Field you must score a point at a varsity meet.  If you are on a relay team, the four in that event will divide their points.  If a track meet does not keep score, then the following formula will apply towards a letter;

6 or more teams participating;

1st        10 points

2nd        8 points

3rd        6 points

4th        5 points

6th        4 points

7th        2 points

8th        1 point


Dual meets do not count!


14.  If you don’t turn in your uniform at the end of the year your parents will receive a bill so we

       can replace lost equipment.