Daily Routine

Jog for 800 Meters



A.    Standing Stage:

Neck Rotators, arm rotators, shoulder rotators, hip rotators/stretch, together touch, quad pulls.



B.   Sitting Stage:

V-touch, together touch, hurdle stretch, butterfly, toes to nose, pretzel, knee to nose- straight leg, Quads setting, and side pulls


C.   Wall Drills:  Swings  (side/front), calf and shin


D.  Partner Stretch after workout or competition.






1.    Form Walk (toe, heel, knee up) 2x20

2.    Form Skip (height and distance) 2x20

3.    Straight Leg 2x20

4.    High Knees (front kick) 2x20

5.    Butt Kicks 2x20

6.    Bounding 2x20

7.    High Knees 2x20

8.    Pick Ups 2x20 85%

               9.  Pick Up 1x20 100%