The Checkbook


It was a beautiful October morning and me and three other avid hunters (Matt Behm, Chris Behm, & Matt Biegler) went out to go goose hunting by the town of Columbia South Dakota.  We put out our decoys in a stubble cornfield and watched the sun come up.  We didn’t have much goose action but we shot a few ducks.  After the morning flurry of ducks slowed down we packed up & got ready to go pheasant hunting.  On the way home we saw a flock of snow geese swarming a field that we had permission to hunt on so we decided to belly crawl down a tree line to see if we could get a scratch.  Sure enough we got down at the end and someone along the road shot at them and they came over just like we planned.  We ended up with nine sky carp.  Not bad for three guys.  Boy did we give Chris a hard time sense he decided to stay in the truck.J  Some people would say it was our savvy hunting skill but I will tell you it was dumb luck.  The day went on and we hunted pheasants until sundown.  If my story telling memory is right I believe we shot our limit of ring necks that day to.  Sounds like a great day right, well when I went to check my pockets for my checkbook, I discovered that it was missing.  I looked everywhere and could not find it.  The next day I went back to the areas we hunted and didn’t find nothing.  Later that week I gave up on my search and I cancelled my credit cards, replaced my checks, and applied for a new drivers license.  Man was I frustrated.  Four more weeks of great hunting went by and it was time for deer season to start.  On the second day I went out to help Matt Biegler to get his deer because I was fortunate enough to fill my tag.  We didn’t see much right away so we decided to go over by Columbia and take a look.  We saw a big buck go over the hill so we raced around to the next field to get a better look.  We pulled in this stubble cornfield and we drove up to a point where we thought we could see him but he had already ditched us.  Matt and I started glassing like all good hunters do and then I said to him, isn’t this the field we goose hunted in where I might of lost my checkbook?  Matt looks over to the Northeast and points I think we set up right over there.  In fact I think I see your checkbook.  I laughed and chuckled and then he said I’m serious.  He ripped open his door and started running in the direction he pointed to so I tore out of  his vehicle to follow him.  We ran about 80 feet and Matt reaches down and picks it up.  Neither of us could believe that we found my checkbook.  What are the odds, one in a million?


We had a great year of hunting like always but I’ll never forget finding the lost checkbook.  In case your wondering, I did buy a lottery ticket that day and didn’t win. J